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The first of my popular story walks to appear in print is now available to buy


Meet soldiers and priests, innovators and picnickers as we explore the back streets and byways of Clifton village. 

Like stories? Like walking? A story walk is a perfect combination of the two. In my story walks around Clifton, Bristol, I combine smatterings of history and bite-sized facts with intriguing short fictions to give my listeners - and now my readers - a new insight into the city around them. Each story is inspired by the place where it is set, springing from the stones around us. My story walks are a popular feature of the Clifton LitFest, and are now available in print to use either as a guide to walk the walk in person, or to read in the comfort of your own home. 

This 37 page, bound booklet contains five stories, an annotated map, historical information and a few fascinating facts: all that you need for a self-guided walk. 

'Innovative', 'Compelling', 'Superb', 'An absolute joy': some audience responses to Clifton story walks. 

The booklet costs £5.50, plus P&P.

P&P United Kingdom £1.90, International (Europe and worldwide) £2.90 

If you have any questions please get in touch.  

A standalone short story in its own perfectly bound pamphlet: celebrate short form fiction with The Guts of a Mackerel.  

The Guts Of A Mackerel

“Who’s Bobby Sands?” she asked, as she laid the fish on the face of a smiling young man with long wavy hair. “And what’s a hunger strike?”

On a family holiday to her dad’s Irish homeland, Eve’s concerns about impressing local boy Liam are confronted by the stark reality of political and personal divisions during the Troubles. Former friends have turned into enemies, and this country of childhood memory is suddenly a lot less welcoming.


Clare is a genius at opening doors into her stories, in this case through the eyes of an eager young girl whose world is about to become bigger and scarier than she ever imagined. Each detail is intricate and immediate. The overall impact is emotional and long-lasting. Everything a good story should be.”

- Sarah Hilary, best-selling author of the acclaimed D.I. Marnie Rome series.

"Highly recommend: a brilliant, wrenching page-turner about The Troubles." - Rose Drew

"Powerful, lyrical and full of guts...a must-read"  

- Brian Coyle

"Amazingly written" Rachel Dickens

Available to buy for £5.99 from Fly On The Wall Press

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